• Results for
    • two tone
  • (13)
Spurge, Wood spurge, Euphorbia amygdaloides 'Frosted flame', Several pink tinged variegated foliage tips.
Spurge, Wood spurge, Euphorbia amygdaloides 'Frosted flame', Several pink tinged variegated foliage tips.
Spurge, Mediterranean spurge, Euphorbia characias 'Tasmanian Tiger', Front view of one yellow flowerhead emerging from variegated leaves.
Spurge, Mediterranean spurge, Euphorbia characias 'Tasmanian Tiger', Front view of one yellow flowerhead emerging from variegated leaves.
Dogwood, Wedding cake tree, Cornus controversa 'Variegata', View through several interwoven branches sporuting new shoots of yellow and green variegated leaves, to a mass of blue forget-me-nots, Myoso...
Dogwood, Wedding cake tree, Cornus controversa 'Variegata', View through several interwoven branches sporuting new shoots of yellow and green variegated leaves, to a mass of blue forget-me-nots, Myoso...
Rose, Rosa 'Passion',Overhead view of a bouquet of six red roses with six pink and white roses with variegated ivy, surrounded by a red net wrap.
Rose, Rosa 'Passion',Overhead view of a bouquet of six red roses with six pink and white roses with variegated ivy, surrounded by a red net wrap.
Bare winter trees in a hedgerow surrounded by a snow covered landscape. Manipulated with a swirly painterly filter effect.
Bare winter trees in a hedgerow surrounded by a snow covered landscape. Manipulated with a swirly painterly filter effect.
Geranium 'Dusky Rose' with a second one just behind.
Geranium 'Dusky Rose' with a second one just behind.
Fuschia, two red and white flowers side by side on a white reflective background.
Fuschia, two red and white flowers side by side on a white reflective background.
Snake's head fritillary, Fritillaria meleagris, single stem with multiple flowers on it.
Snake's head fritillary, Fritillaria meleagris, single stem with multiple flowers on it.
Wallflower, Fragrant Star, Erysimum 'Fragrant Star', bright yellow flowers.
Wallflower, Fragrant Star, Erysimum 'Fragrant Star', bright yellow flowers.
Variegated Sword Lily, Furcraea selloa var. marginata, close up detail of leaves.
Variegated Sword Lily, Furcraea selloa var. marginata, close up detail of leaves.
Pittosporum, Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Marjory Channon', green fliage with white edges.
Pittosporum, Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Marjory Channon', green fliage with white edges.
Pittosporum, Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Marjory Channon', green fliage with white edges.
Pittosporum, Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Marjory Channon', green fliage with white edges.