• Results for
    • bombus lucorum
  • (7)
Culver's root, Veronicastrum sibiricum, White-tailed Bumble bee Bombus lucorum, feeding on mauve flowerhead in a garden.
Culver's root, Veronicastrum sibiricum, White-tailed Bumble bee Bombus lucorum, feeding on mauve flowerhead in a garden.
Geranium, Cranesbill, White-tailed Bumble bee Bombus lucorum, pollinating flower in a garden.
Geranium, Cranesbill, White-tailed Bumble bee Bombus lucorum, pollinating flower in a garden.
Golden Groundsel, Leopard plant 'Desdemona' Ligularia dentata 'Desdemona', White-tailed Bumble bee, Bombus lucorum, covered in pollen from flowerhead.
Golden Groundsel, Leopard plant 'Desdemona' Ligularia dentata 'Desdemona', White-tailed Bumble bee, Bombus lucorum, covered in pollen from flowerhead.
Prairie mallow, Sidalcea malviflora, White-tailed Bumble bee, Bombus lucorum, flying to pollinate pink flowers.
Prairie mallow, Sidalcea malviflora, White-tailed Bumble bee, Bombus lucorum, flying to pollinate pink flowers.
Lavender, Lavandula, White-tailed Bumble bee, Bombus lucorum, pollinating flowers in a garden.
Lavender, Lavandula, White-tailed Bumble bee, Bombus lucorum, pollinating flowers in a garden.
Astrantia, Masterwort, White-tailed Bumble bee, Bombus lucorum, pollinating an pink flower in a garden.
Astrantia, Masterwort, White-tailed Bumble bee, Bombus lucorum, pollinating an pink flower in a garden.
Hyssop, Anise hyssop, Agastache foeniculum, White-tailed Bumble bee, Bombus lucorum,  feeding on flower.
Hyssop, Anise hyssop, Agastache foeniculum, White-tailed Bumble bee, Bombus lucorum, feeding on flower.