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Close up of Jade Frost Sea Holly, Erynghan,  blossoms.
Close up of Jade Frost Sea Holly, Erynghan, blossoms.
Bonsai ponderosa pine tree struggling to survive and Cherboard Mesa,  Zion National Park, Utah, USA.
Bonsai ponderosa pine tree struggling to survive and Cherboard Mesa, Zion National Park, Utah, USA.
Lone tree in morning fog, Kauai, Hawaii, USA.
Lone tree in morning fog, Kauai, Hawaii, USA.
Lone tree in autumnal colour in vast pasture, Montana, USA.
Lone tree in autumnal colour in vast pasture, Montana, USA.
Tulip, Tulipa, Single yellow flower among field of red ones.
Tulip, Tulipa, Single yellow flower among field of red ones.
Maple, Acer rubrum, Single autumnal coloured leaf.
Maple, Acer rubrum, Single autumnal coloured leaf.
Grand fir Christmas trees with red bow on one, Oregon, USA.
Grand fir Christmas trees with red bow on one, Oregon, USA.