• Results for
    • white stem birch tree
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Yellow Horned Poppy, Glaucium flavum, Causican scarlet poppy, Papaver commutatum, Hares tail, Lagurus ovatus and other wildflowers growing along the edge of a beach in Halkidiki, Greece.
Yellow Horned Poppy, Glaucium flavum, Causican scarlet poppy, Papaver commutatum, Hares tail, Lagurus ovatus and other wildflowers growing along the edge of a beach in Halkidiki, Greece.
Yellow Horned Poppy, Glaucium flavum, Causican scarlet poppy, Papaver commutatum, Hares tail, Lagurus ovatus and other wildflowers growing along the edge of a beach in Halkidiki, Greece.
Yellow Horned Poppy, Glaucium flavum, Causican scarlet poppy, Papaver commutatum, Hares tail, Lagurus ovatus and other wildflowers growing along the edge of a beach in Halkidiki, Greece.
vaginatum, Cotton grass, Hares's tail, Eriophorum.
vaginatum, Cotton grass, Hares's tail, Eriophorum.
Birch, Himalayan birch, Betula utilis var, jacquemontii, 2 small trees in a bed of bare orange and yellow shrub  Dogwood, Cornus sanguinea 'Anny's Winter Orange'.
Birch, Himalayan birch, Betula utilis var, jacquemontii, 2 small trees in a bed of bare orange and yellow shrub Dogwood, Cornus sanguinea 'Anny's Winter Orange'.